============================================= TMa12a1: Teach MAthematics, prgm 12, ver a1. ________ _______ Arithmetic Word Problems. This program presents questions like.. "If Henry has 4 computers and buys another, how many does he have?" The user answers and receives immediate feedback. There are addition and subtraction problems. The program is freeware... please pass it on. It carries messages about other software I have on the market. It is well suited to filling 'scraps' of time in the classroom, or as a way to encourage children to practise an important exercise at home. Schools might like to consider the public relations value of giving their parents a disc with this and similar programs. A minimal MS-Dos computer is sufficient. The author can be contacted as follows: WWW homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/TK_Boyd CompuServe Email: Tom Boyd, 100665,1141 Snail Mail: TK Boyd, 7 Nelson Close, Tangmere, Chichester, W Sx, PO20 6FW, England Snail Mail (a reply is likely to take time): TK Boyd, Box 367, Essex, CT, 06426, USA